media literacy
This course is part of a larger course called Digital Art and science, a project instigated by our partner Het Koorenhuis.
The project was initialised for students of the first and second class of the Dutch secondary school who want to explore their talents. It is not part of the normal school curriculum but should intertwine with this.
The main objective of the lessons is to broaden the students vision and skills in the digital world and is aimed at personal development. The '21st century skills' they learn should be of use during their entire school career, paying extra attention to collaboration, creativity and problemsolving.
The lessons are cloudbased, meaning that the lessons are available on the internet and that students can follow the lessons at their own pace. A specialised teacher is not necessary but can be of extra value. This could also be in the form of guest lectures etc.
Every participant has his own e-portfolio on which he posts his work so his progress is visible and recorded. Peers and teachers can comment and evaluate.
- Stimulating the imagination and helping give that imagination a form
- Enjoying modern day media, and being able to use them in daily life
- Developing digital skills and knowledge of the digital world
- Stimulating receptive, reflective and investigative powers
- Developing skills to present oneself
- Being able to use these acquired skills in other parts of the school curriculum
- Bridging a gap between the sciences and the arts
- Collaboration between pupils, also of different levels
- Creating a network between the participating students
- Knowledge of coding, gaming, digtal artforms, artists and scientists
Achieved by:
- Differentiation in pace, content and technical levels
- Variation in active, receptive and reflective moments of the lessons
- Overarching content, usable in other lessons
- End products as well as products per lesson
- One class website where all material is collected
- A digital portfolio for each pupil.
- Helping each other, giving feedback on each others work and progress.
- Peer to peer coaching
- Planable with certain ‘go/no go’ situations and use of gamification
- Student works towards his own end goal and product
- Use of experts from within own peergroup and online community's
- Extra attention on being able to work independantly
- and solve creative problems
This part of the course is built around media literacy. The Dutch organisation has devised a model for media literate competences: Understanding, usage, communication and strategy. The programme pays extra attention to these concepts.
The themes connected with social media are based around the following questions:
- Usage: How do you use social media now?
- Privacy: What should you share, or what not, and why?
- Your online self: What do you let other people see?
- Your other self: Who are all those other people online?
- Digital footprint: What do you leave behind when you are on internet?
The main question after running through the course should be: What am I going to do now and how?
Visit the site at:
All students answers are to be given on a medium the pupils have access to.
Choose out of the following
– Create a blog like WordPress. Give your students an authors account on this blog. Here they can post their answers and also respond to each others work.
– Make a class account for Twitter. Use a hashtag your students will use for posting. Display the twitterfeed on the board.
– Make a class account on Facebook. Make it a private account. Display the account on the board during classes.
– Or use another bulletinboard students are familiar with. (Yammer, blackboard?)
You can choose to do one or more of the above. Do what you are most comfortable with. Make sure you are the moderator. Tip: Let students help set up the account.
Alternatively you could keep the course analogue by having students hand in their tasks on post-its or a paper like this. After which you could post the papers on a wall in the classroom.
You can run the course in three different ways:
-Teacher paced: In this case the teacher will be the course leader. He will keep control of time and task management and can run the course on the board. The students dont have to have access to a device, but it could add extra depth..
– Student paced: In this case, the student will run through the assignments in his own tempo behind his own computer or tabvlet. After making the basic tasks he may go on to the tasks in a deeper level.
– Hybrid: The teacher can choose to blend the two previous options to his own wish.
When you visit the site the default option is teacher paced. To run the student paced you need to register. It's free and you don't need to give any personal information
Please note: If you sign in for the student paced course, you get access to the more interactive material. The complexity of the it all became clearer to us whilst working on it. The simple reason being that this kind of material will, and can never be, complete.
In the same time we have been producing this course, we have been contemplating new, exciting, ways to make form and content more compatible with, or maybe better resistant to, the future.
The dynamics of the material, ICT and social media, implifies a continuous change by default. The subject matter and the form in which it is presented are strongly interrelated.
We, at Leerpodium, are always looking for new ways to produce digital material and to answer specific needs. Therefore, we welcome all feedback and questioning. Our main reason for entering this competition was just that last point. Before going ahead we dearly require any input you may have. please contact us at
To make sure this course has full impact it is best to make it have the look and feel of real social media. So it is recommended to use a digital platform. This could be Facebook or Twitter. Alternatively you could use the Leerpodium online platform. If you wish to make use of the Leerpodium facilities (a.o. a blog for each student and a class feed) contact us at for details.
When you visit the site the default is teacher paced. To run the student paced you need to register. It's free and you don't need to give any personal information
Visit the website