The following unit deals with the different kinds of conflicts online. Escalating and de - escalating actions will be covered as well as the roles of observers of online conflicts and cyber - bullying. This concept is recommended for adolescents from 12 to 16 years.


Download the complete material (worksheet, video clip, schedule) here.


E X E R P T:

The unit starts with a video clip. Based on the question „What is it I am doing when I  am doing nothing?“ The group has the chance to speak about their own experiences. The following questions might be helpful to start a conversation: 1. Have you heard about a similar situation? 2. Under what circumstances would you intervene in a conflict? 3. What would you recommend Anna from the clip?


Afterwards, the participants are given the opportunity to immerse themselves in the topic with their individual mind map. They create thinking cards (worksheet conflicts online) in groups of max. four persons where they deal with different aspects of confl icts. Tipp : For this task paper in the size of DIN - A3 should be provided for the groups and maybe also thick pens. If there are laptops (with internet connection) available for the teenagers, a (online) mind map tool can be used as well.


In the end the mind maps will be put on the walls in the group room/ classroom. Each group gets the opportunity to express their main thoughts. The following expressions might help with the guidance: Have a look at your mind maps again: what is the most important aspect you would like the others to recall?
