Hate speech and media education
Unit n° 2:
Unit n° 3:
The hate speech in the experience of boys and girls. Watching the video of a youtuber (Francesco Sole) about hate speech. Debate : what do you think? it happened to you? When someone incites hatred? What is for you hate? Have you ever heard speeches that seemed to incite hatred? Where? Direct to whom? The boys and girls write their experiences and opinions on billboards murals, after they resumed in team work: each group reads the answers to a single question and proposes a summary to their classmates.
Unit n° 4:
Analyze the hate speech in the media communication. Overview: traces of hate speech in the network, including video messages and facebook. Presentation of the infographic “smileys” designed by the University of Florence to use to catalog and analyze the messages. Case study: post on facebook, comments and discourse analysis. Activity to do with groups of " card - playing" that show excerpts of the conversation . Students try to change speech acts avoiding hate speech and arguing different points of view. What would you do? What about a definition of hate speech? Find the 5 words that are repeated more frequently.
Unit n° 5:
What are we talking about? Watching a cartoon defining Italians at the US Congress. Participatory activities " coffee break " from which students create the definition of hate speech (shared among students). face the question: do you imagined they were talking about Italians?
Unit n° 6:
My point of view. Recall/reuse the video of Francesco Sole, the video of the campaign nohatespeech, the US Congress, presentation of new videos as the footage of a German news, add some newspaper articles: the students, in groups, selecting the pieces most striking with their phones, tablet, camera, realizing a shoot. To do this activity, they use a grid (presente your point of view to the viewer; Convince your viewers that this is an issue for you relevant and important, What's a " universal " aspect, in your opinion, on the hate speech? Why the human being " hates "? Do you want to raise awareness your viewers? Do you want to stimulate positive action? Which or what actions?) that would clarify their goals and the storytelling ... - video editing of clips and presentation to the class
Video to use with students:
- Eksperimentas Vertimas: https://youtu.be/si_1ywtwY_Y
- The Guardian: https://youtu.be/fJd1X5a5L4E
- About online information: https://youtu.be/9aEiKiyuen8
- Photos on social network: https://youtu.be/fqb7X6XX6Ew
- Families and social network: https://youtu.be/0rQkGH-lf3g
- german journaliste: https://youtu.be/4naZkxM4U1c
- Italian youtuber about hate speech: https://youtu.be/vhWcqf0ui1U