Warsaw Media Literacy Leaders - description of a training program
Organising institution/partners:
Modern Poland Foundation (Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska)
Hashtags (key words):
#cultural education, #training, #youth, #media literacy competencies, #workshops
Main topic/Theme:
Implementation of media literacy in cultural institutions' programs
Media Literacy Competencies/Aims/Expected outcome (individual and social impact, challanges, risks):
- acquaint with the model of media, information and digital competences (in line with the "Catalogue of media, information and digital competences"),
- raise interest in the subject of media literacy and prepare for independent learning and development (suggest sources of knowledge and inspiration, show ways of strengthening competences),
- prepare scenarios for people who work with youth, children and intergenerational groups,
- indicate advantages and need of media literacy.
General Pedagogic Objectives:
- strengthen training competences of educators working in cultural institutions (comprehensive preparation to conduct media literacy activities, including identifying participants' needs, preparing activity scenarios, selecting appropriate training methods, response to group's needs, evaluation etc.)
- prepare to conduct stand alone activities and longer courses aimed at strengthening media competencies,
- build a network of people involved in media literacy.
Participants – age:
Educators who work with youth / children / intergenerational groups in informal education
Participants – number:
Participants – entry competencies/skills:
People who work in groups using active training methods (trainers, educators, animators), able to conduct activities using modern technology, open to deepening their knowledge during the training and later individually.
Methods/Type of activities:
Group training with the use of active work methods: individual work, in pairs, in groups; coaching etudes.
Supervised training - implementation of classes with groups of youth (recruitment of young people, preparation, running activities and evaluation), followed by a group supervision during a whole day session.
Description – step by step:
The main goal of the "Warsaw Media Literacy Leaders" was to prepare the educators from cultural institutions to lead activities using methods that develop media, information and digital literacy competencies of participants.
As a part of the project the participants (Leaders) took part in the training and then conducted media literacy lessons for a selected group. The project ended with supervision and presentation of good practices. Participants also had the opportunity to take part in the exam and receive a Certificate of Media Literacy Leader.
The project consisted of 3 main stages:
1: Training for leaders - 3 days with media literacy
Elements of training:
- participants' integration: building a network of leaders in media education;
- model of media, information and digital competences (according to the "Catalogue of media, information and digital competences");
- results of research on the media and digital competences of children and youth;
- copyright, free licenses and open educational resources;
- presentation of good practices in the implementation of media and digital education projects;
- mapping out sources of funding for media and digital education projects;,
- preparation of scenarios for children / youth / intergenerational groups;
- methods of activating participants;
- dealing with difficult situations during workshops.
2. Classes conducted by the Leaders and supervision. After completion of the initial training, participants conducted their own media literacy classes for the group of their choice. During preparation of the classes the participants could use help of the project coordinator. They also received a supervisory form that helped them to self-reflect and prepare for the group's supervisory workshop. The form collected information about preparation of classes, implementation, reaction of participants, difficult situations that might have occurred and Leader's evaluation of the class.
Group supervision included:
- summary of activities carried out,
- exchange of reflections,
- case studies - solving difficult training situations,
- preparation of a development plan in the media literacy field,
- exchanging ideas for further media literacy projects.
3. Gathering the participants' experiences and preparing a base of good practices. At the end of the training the Leaders prepared descriptions of their classes. These good practices were published on edukacjamedialna.edu.pl (service with educational materials ran by Modern Poland Foundation).
The project "Warsaw Leaders of Media Education" was co-funded by the City of Warsaw.
Min. 28 hours spread over 3 months:
- 3-day introductory training (21h),
- supervisory and evaluation session after the activities (7h).
Training should take place in a room with Internet access. Optimal room space would allow to work in a circle as a whole group, as well as individually and in smaller teams at the tables.
A computer with a projector, flip chart and paper, markers, post-its. Participants should be able to have Internet access during the training (you can ask them to bring their own devices).
- The "Catalog of media, information and digital competencies"
- A presentation containing an overview of current research in the field of media, information and digital competencies
- Supervision forms
- Presentation of media literacy initiatives
Human resources
- Master Trainer - highly experienced trainer with good understanding of media, information and digital competencies
- Copyright expert
- Expert in the field of fundraising for educational and cultural activities
ramach ewaluacji przeprowadzono jakościową ewaluację 3-dniowego warsztatu poprzez zebrania opinii uczestników na temat przeprowadzonych działań. Uczestnicy ocenili zajęcia dobrze i bardzo dobrze, podkreślali przede wszystkim wartość praktycznej części szkolenia – dzielenie się przykładami projektów z zakresu edukacji medialnej i cyfrowej oraz wypracowywania własnych scenariuszy zajęć.Jako mocne strony szkolenia wskazali wiedzę merytoryczną (w tym: udostępnienie materiałów, miejsc w internecie, w których można poszukiwać dalszej wiedzy i inspiracji), podpowiedzi praktyczne służące jako inspiracja do działania. Podkreślone zostały możliwości zbudowania relacji z innymi uczestnikami szkolenia – zbudowanie sieci osób zajmujących się edukacją kulturalną i medialną.
Feedback from participants about the 3-day training was collected using qualitative methods. The participants rated the training as good or very good, emphasized the value of the practical part of the training - sharing examples of media and digital education projects and developing their own scenarios. As the strengths of the training they indicated the increase of knowledge (including: where to seek further knowledge and inspiration) and inspiring practical tips. The opportunity to get to know other participants of the training was also emphasized - building a network of people involved in cultural and media education.
Hints for the facilitator :
It is very important to integrate all the participants at the beginning of the training - this is the basis for building a network of Leaders. It is worth allowing the participants to get to know each other well, find out each other's strengths and present benefits of participating in such a network.
Futher information:
- http://edukacjamedialna.edu.pl/info/dobre-praktyki/
- http://edukacjamedialna.edu.pl/info/sciezki_edukacji_medialnej/#sciezki
Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska/Modern Poland Foundation
Media Literacy program
The publication was created as part of the project : EMELS.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.