Activity for Parents and their Children
The evening for parents invites parents and their children to start a dialogue together. It offers information about online activities of teenagers and the related challenges. Subjects as adoption of media, utilization intensity and consumer protection issues are addressed with focus on acting with respect to values. A central aspect is to give the participants sufficient opportunities for exchanging views. This concept is recommended for adolescents from 12 to 16 years.
Topic: values and internet, adoption of media, utilisation intensity, consumer education
Time needed: 120 minutes
Material: power point presentation, background information for input, video clips, conversation stimuli
Media: Laptop, projector, speakers, 4 colour cards per person (pink, yellow, orange, green), internet access (YouTube,, 300 € play money per 2 person team
PDF of the schedule
Presentation and conditions (5 min)
PDF of the presentation and presentation notes
At the beginning the participants are welcomed and the general conditions of the evening are explained.
Tip: It is recommended to indicate that there should be a relaxed atmosphere for dialogues and questions/comments are welcome any time.
Introduction (5 min)
As an introduction the advertisement video (Emma, Le Trèfle) is shown. Then, it is enlarged upon the subject media education within the family.
Atmospheric picture (10 min)
At the positioning game, adults and teenagers position themselves to three different topics by holding up colour paper cards. After every issue the participants have got the opportunity to explain their opinion. Discussions by the participants are very welcome.
Tip: The parents’ statements should not be graded, as to support a relaxed atmosphere for the dialogue. A discussion among parents is desirable, criticism from the expert’s part not so much.
Adoption of Media (15 min)
Together, parents and teenagers think about why they use certain media and contents and also why others do not use them. The ideas are written down in a mind map. Afterwards, missing aspects are added.
Tip: There are different possibilities to gather results as a mind map. A simple online tool, for example, is very well suited for creating a mind map. The findings can be collected on moderation cards or on a white board etc. as well.
Input values (5 min)
The participants are informed about the relationship of values and online media.
Action of values (15 min)
The participants can now purchase values at an auction that are very important in respect to their activities online. Every team consisting of 2 persons is handed out 300 € play money for that. The game master holds up one quality after another. If one value-card is purchased (or not), the next one is presented directly afterwards. The bidders do not know the offer beforehand, so they have to decide spontaneously if they want to purchase the quality and how much they want to spend on it. At best it becomes a very vividly auction. When all qualities are purchased at the auction, the participants are allowed to explain how they felt during the auction and why they purchased their quality(/ies).
Tip 1: Parents and their children should preferably play in separate teams to better guarantee a relaxed atmosphere during the game.
Tip 2: The game master’s commitment is a crucial factor for the intensity of the game. The more vivid the participants are betting, the better. Tip 3: The number of values can be modified by the game master during the auction. If the auction lasts for too long and / or if the bidders’ motivation decreases, the game should come to an end.
Input online communication (5 min)
The participants now receive information about which accesses teenagers and adults currently used to go online and what mobile apps are relevant at present.
Small groups (30 min)
The participants part into small groups of four persons (teenagers and adults mixed, parents and their children separated from each other at best). Every group is handed out identical key questions. At the beginning they all listen to a radio play together. Then, every group has got 15 minutes time to exchange views. Now the different groups have got the opportunity to talk in front of everyone about the central aspects of their discussion and if necessary exchange their views once again (about 10 minutes).
Tip: During this period it is important to pay attention to adults and teenagers getting started a conversation. Adults especially tend to talk about and not to teenagers. (input conversation)
Input utilisation intensity and commercial structures (15 min)
The participants now receive solid information about challenges of utilisation intensity of the mentioned online providers. Furthermore, they get background information about commercial structuring of online providers.
Tips for families (5 min)
In the end, the participants get four tips which they are to follow within in their families
Questions and discussion (10 min)
If the participants still have any questions, they can ask them now. Furthermore, they can also bring up all aspects they also want to discuss.
The publication was created as part of the project: EMELS
It reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.