Total commerce
Topic: Online conflicts
Time needed: 40 minutes
Material: schedule, worksheet, video clip, quiz
Media: Laptop with internet access, projector, speaker
In this unit the participants deal with the commercial structuring of their favourite providers like Facebook, WhatsApp and Co. Promotional financing and resulting questions relevant for consumer protection are addressed. This concept is recommended for adolescents from 12 to 16 years.
Talk, Talk, Talk: Social networks and messengers (20 minutes)
The participants read a talk show conversation. They summarize the views of the guests of the talk show on a worksheet. Then, the different views of the talk show guests are collected and discussed. The following questions might be useful to start a conversation:
1. Have you learned anything new from the talk show? What was it like for you?
2. Could you imagine other financing models as advertisement and data analysis? What would be reasonable in your opinion?
Tip: When there are any questions in the group that cannot be answered right away, research jobs can be assigned. Furthermore, the subject access rights can be deepend with an individual research job regarding the question: “What accesses do my apps have?” Apps like Clueful-App support the security check.
Quiz: commerce duel (20 minutes)
The teenagers compete whether in teams against each other or everyone against everyone. Every team/person plays at the same time. There are four possible answers for each question but only one is correct. Every team/player presses the button of the answer they think is correct. Attention: The quiz is very simple. Nevertheless, the technical equipment should be tested beforehand. The instructions (online) explains what to do step by step.
Tip: The playful atmosphere is suited very well for increasing knowledge or spreading information. Explanations can be added and the teenagers can be asked to explain answers.
The publication was created as part of the project: EMELS
It reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.